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RLR THERAPY Pilates Classes & Exercise Therapy Padbury, near Buckingham & Milton Keynes


We think Pilates is a really valuable form of exercise and after attending various classes over the years we are very glad to have found Ruth’s class.
Ruth has a good understanding of the human body and Pilates principles and takes care to design each week’s exercises around the needs and abilities of that class. She is very friendly and good-humoured. She explains each exercise clearly, with a basic level and then higher levels for those who are ready to progress. We like the way she keeps a constant eye on the class and is quick to help anyone who is struggling or not doing an exercise correctly, but always in a supportive way. She will also adapt an exercise for those with joint problems etc. You leave the class having done a good Pilates session and with a smile on your face.

Jane and Nigel
Class Participants
"I would like to take this opportunity to thank Ruth for her expert teaching skills in Pilates. Ruth has worked tirelessly in improving my core strength and flexibility resulting in an improved quality of life and a reduction in my golf handy cap.
If you are looking for a very professional Pilates teacher then Ruth comes very highly recommended."

Graham T
Golf 1:1 Client
I always told folk that I had started doing chair-based Pilates in a joking way, as everyone else was swimming or walking or exercising in some more strenuous way, and chair-based exercise seemed tame in comparison. But as time has gone on, I have changed my mind! I do have limited movement and some pain, so more strenuous exercise can’t be for me anyway, but I have now been with Ruth and our little band of ladies for just over a term, and as time has gone on I have to say that even though I might not be doing aerobic exercise – I am exercising! After each week I feel that my muscles are becoming stronger, and that certain movements or actions are easier to accomplish as a result of this. And because I’m feeling stronger, I am managing to do more and for a longer time, and with more confidence.

This has given me a real boost which is really uplifting and adds to my feeling of well-being. Ruth is an excellent and professional teacher, and I have a lot of confidence in her skill. She leads the sessions in such a way that we all achieve, but because she is such a lovely person, we also laugh together and have a good time. She looks out for us as individuals as well as a group, and encourages us to try our best. I look forward to our Thursday morning sessions and truly feel the benefit, physically, mentally and socially.
Thank you, Ruth

Chair Pilates Participant
"After being ill for several years, needing two separate double lung transplants during a period of 14 years and then falling and badly slipping a disc, I had been unable to participate in any sort of exercise for a long period of time. As someone who was not a natural, motivated exerciser it was suggested that Pilates would be of benefit to strengthen my muscles, therefore I set about the task to search for a local, qualified, experienced Pilates exercise teacher.
Ruth is not only an experienced teacher but has an expert background and knowledge of the body. She is professional, a good listener and is understanding to my individual needs to help me confidently meet achievable goals.I have come such a long way after just over a year of attending weekly sessions with Ruth on a 1:1 basis (also with a bit of homework!) and then getting to a position where I could also join group classes. Initially I started working on the mat and in standing to gain the very basics. I used to get out of breath more frequently and was unable to do many repetitions as I was so weak. Gradually building my core strength, gaining better posture awareness, focusing on my breathing and learning to re-train my body to move in the correct way again, I am now able to do so much more and it has given me my confidence back! This has enabled me to walk further with my dogs and to have the confidence to leave my house.
Every aspect I require I feel, is covered by practicing Pilates, both my mind and body are better connected, I am so much stronger and more energised. I look forward to and enjoy my weekly sessions.
Thank you Ruth"

1:1 and Class Participant



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